Kibworth Harcourt Parish Council

Kibworth Harcourt Parish Council last meeting was held on 1 February in the Studio at the Kibworth Community Hub (KCH).
Cllr Feltham reported that the new joint Administrative Assistant would start on 1 April provided a suitable candidate was chosen at the interviews on 26 February.
Roadworks are due to begin on Warwick and Wistow Roads on 5 February for 6 weeks. This work is to connect utility services to the Business Park. The consultation on closing three recycling sites has ended. The Shepshed and Market Harborough sites will not now close. A new consultation has begun on proposals that Kibworth will be open for 4 days and Market Harborough for 3 days.
HDC – The council’s budget meeting was on 26 February.
Joint Recreation Board
Some maintenance is required on the zipwire. A grant application to replace the Jubilee Green play tower has been submitted. The three s106 applications for green space/landscape improvements for Larkswood, Rookery Park and Warwick Park have been submitted to HDC.
Joint Burial Board
HDC have been asked to tidy up the compost heaps. It was agreed to inform the Kibworth Allotment Society that they could remove mature compost. It was suggested that the lid fittings on the existing bins for dead flowers and waste could be welded. Quotes for the garage/workshop are still being obtained. A s106 application has been submitted for a memorial area near the Lychgate.
Village Hall
The Burns Night event held on 27 January was enjoyed by 58 people.
Grammar School Hall/Community Hub
The projector and screen have been installed and tested. The AGM was on 13 March at 7 pm. It is hoped tenders for the new library building will be issued in March.
Police and Crime
A resident has become one of 20 Mounted new PCSOs around Leicestershire and will be patrolling around the Kibworth and Fleckney area.
After discussion, councillors agreed to make no comments about the three plans published before the meeting.
Local Plan Consultation
A public drop-in event was scheduled at the KHC on 13 February, 3.30 – 7.30pm. The consultation ended on 27 February.
Joint Burial Board Expenditure
It was agreed to approve the emergency work on a tree in Kibworth Cemetery by Jones Logging and Tree Surgery for £900.
Joint Recreation Board Expenditure
It was agreed to award the contract for grass cutting all of the parks to Spendlove. Costs were also agreed for a new bin in Warwick Park car park. Also for a contractor to reinstate two sections of hedge removed to enable the skatepark construction. Quotations were also agreed for a contractor to supply and install new landscaping in the three parks which have had s106 applications.
Parish Council Website
It was agreed to use Cuttlefish as our provider following the news that 2Commune had stopped their support. The cost will be the same.
Finances and Administration
All financial statements, reconciliations, summaries, and payments were approved.
Councillor Reports
A resident has offered to cut back the ash tree on Braymish Close at no cost to the council.
Clerk’s Report
The Deputy Clerk is keen to have Epitaph training. It was agreed to fund 2 hours of training for her.
Public Meetings
The next two public meetings are Tuesday 5 March and Tuesday 2 April in KCH.
Our 7pm monthly meetings are open to the public, so why not come along to meet all your councillors and see what we do? Please visit our Kibworth Harcourt Parish Council website for more information about us at
If you would like to get involved or let us know of any community news about up-and-coming events, then please contact the Clerk.
Sara Barrett (