Kibworth Golf Club – March 2024

This winter has been especially difficult as the Greenkeepers have battled relentlessly against the elements to keep the course open as much as possible. However, spring is upon us, and we can now think about de-mudding the golf clubs in readiness for the season ahead.
The final task for our 2023 Captains was to present a huge cheque to the Gems charity. Many thanks to members and visitors alike who have donated so generously to the tune of £6870.0.
The Captains’ Drive- in was a complete sell out as 120 members supported the incoming Captains as they hit their opening drives down the first fairway, a time-honoured tradition at the club. Then a tasty Sunday lunch, followed by the annual introductory speeches, lots of socialising and laughter. The Captains’ Charity of choice was announced for 2024, Rainbows Hospice; in excess of £800 was raised on the day.
So, all we need now is some dry weather and we are set for the new season – new members are welcome!
Wendy Quilter