Spring Blessings Concert

There will be a second chance to hear some of the music performed by the Harborough Singers in St. Wilfrid’s Church last October, on Saturday 16th March 2024 when the choir will appear at St. Dionysius Church, Market Harborough in a concert entitled ‘Spring Blessings’.

The event takes its name from Monteverdi’s beautiful Vesper Hymn ‘Beatus Vir’. The choir love this piece and will perform it alongside Haydn’s Little Organ Mass in the second half, which will also feature Bach’s much-loved concerto for two violins. Music in the first half includes Pearsall’s wonderful unaccompanied eight-part madrigal ‘Lay a Garland’ and Vaughan William’s setting of the well-known ‘Loch Lomond’, both heard at Kibworth, as well as the fiendish ‘Daemon Irrepit Callidus’, which is all about sneaky demons and written by György Orbán.

Conductor will be Charlie Penn and the soprano soloist in the Haydn is Felicity Hamilton. The violinist duo, Helena Thomas and Alexandra Peel, are from the Royal School of Music and the accompanist is Andrew King.

The concert starts at 7.30pm and tickets are £12 from www.harboroughsingers.com or phone 07761 729 558.

Gill Guest