So What is the Great Big Green Week?

Sustainable Harborough Community

Organised by the Climate Coalition, the ‘Great Big Green Week ‘is a celebration by people all over the country.  It’s taking place this year between Saturday 8 June and Sunday 16 June. The Green Street for local organisations and charities, is returning to the Harborough Carnival on Saturday 8 June too.

Swop and change our habits

This year, its theme is about celebrating swapping and arranging ourselves. My guess is that we have all swapped some things: trying to walk more (a great benefit for our health) using local transport; using refill opportunities in our local stores helping to reduce our plastic use; taking goods to our charity shops and buying from them instead of new goods. People have been making changes in their gardens too to make them more welcoming to wildlife helping to reverse its decline, action that is urgently needed. 

Will your group swap too?

I’ve just counted over 20 groups advertising their activities in last month’s edition of the Kibworth & District Chronicle. It would be so good if your group decided to join in with the ‘Great Big Green Week’  too, arranging your own swaps. The Climate Coalition is the largest climate action group in the UK, including the RSPB, The Women’s Institute, The National Trust and The Wildlife Trusts. You can see who all these groups are on their website. Together with their members, they represent over 20 million people. All agree that as well as taking action themselves, we need our Government to take action too, with our MPs maybe more willing to listen in this election year.

Feel free to get in touch. It’s time consuming to take action but also very rewarding, even fun!

Julie Fagan

Volunteer, Sustainable Harborough Community and Eco Churches