Lent at St Wilfrid’s Church – February 2024

What is Lent?

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and is a time when Christians reflect and prepare for the celebrations of Easter. Some people eat frugally or give up treats following the example of Jesus, who fasted for forty days in the wilderness. Others give to charity, set aside time to study the Bible and meet with other Christians to reflect on Jesus’ life.

Lent Lunches

St Wilfrid’s will be holding Lent Lunches at the Church Hall at 12 noon on the following Thursdays: February 22 and 29, March 14 and 21. We offer a simple meal of soup with a bread roll followed by tea or coffee. So why not join us for friendly conversation, reflection, prayer and readings in fellowship with others?

Donations are welcome and will be given to charity. No need to book, just come along.

Youth Group

Calling boys and girls 7-11 years old in Kibworth to join our Youth Group! Taking place on the first Sunday of the month at St Wilfrid’s Church Hall from 5.30-7pm. Come and join us on Sunday 3 March for games, Bible activities and pizza. Free admission.


The next Lunchstop will be taking place on 7 March – delicious homemade lunches served between 12 and 1.15pm at the Church Hall.

Marriage Seminar – 9 March 10am-4pm

An informal and interactive one-day seminar valuable to those with a good marriage, seeking to improve it, or experiencing challenges, with lunch provided.

Mothering Sunday 10 March

Family-friendly services will be held at two of the Benefice churches:
Christ Church, Smeeton Westerby at 10.00am
St Wilfrid’s, Kibworth at 10.30am

All welcome!

Spring Fayre

The confirmed date and time for our first Spring Fayre is Saturday 23 March from 1-4pm. Join us for crafts, gifts, food and much more; details to follow in next month’s Chronicle!

For information about all of our services and events, please visit www.stwilfridschurch.co.uk, or email wilfs.kibworth@gmail.com.

Joy Hill