Leicestershire Parkinson’s Choir

Are you affected by Parkinson’s? Why not join our choir?

The choir welcomes all people affected by Parkinson’s, their family, carers and friends. You can join at any time. No expertise is necessary – just come along and sing!

The benefits of singing are well- documented. Singing releases happy endorphins, it helps with breathing and posture, it helps keep pathways open in the brain for speech. When singing there is no time to think of any worries or concerns, it demands all of our attention. And singing together can produce a beautiful sound.

Harborough's Parkinson's Group
Harborough’s Parkinson’s Group

Comments from the choir

“I have to concentrate so hard on the notes on the page that I don’t have time to think about anything or anyone else. All my cares and worries just fly away. When a song comes together and all the sections are in harmony there is nothing quite like it. It is pure joy.”

The choir to me means being able to sing, help my Parkinson’s voice and meet lovely people.”

I am a carer, and it has given me a time to enjoy music and be with people who all enjoy singing together.

Janet Edwards, Choir Accompanist:  A lot of the enjoyment is not only seeing people I now count as friends, but also the skills and knowledge of our leader, Jane.   I’m continually amazed at the variety of genres:  Songs from the shows, pop world, folk, and gospel and of course, not forgetting Christmas. All this music has been found, arranged and visioned by Jane.  All I do is play it!               

So come and join us and see for yourself! It’s a happy, friendly group, with tea and biscuits too!

We meet once a week, with some breaks in school holiday times.

Contribution of £6 per session. Fridays 1.30 – 3.30pm

The Barnabas Centre, Hamble Road, Oadby, LE2 4NX

Contact: Jane Moore 07763 692 294 or mjmoore5656@gmail.com

Jane Moore