Kibworth Harcourt Parish Council

The Parish Council’s last meeting was held on 4 January in the Studio at the Kibworth Community Hub.
Prosperity Fund
Cllr Feltham reported that a grant was being offered from 1 April under the UK Shared Prosperity Fund to help regenerate shopping centres in both Kibworths. A survey of local businesses is being prepared for a meeting with HDC in early February.
Leicester County Council – Budgets
Budgets for 2024/25 are due to be confirmed in February and are looking like 3% extra core tax plus another 2% for social care.
Harborough District Council – Consultation
A consultation starts on 16 January for 6 weeks on the new Local Plan with 5 drop-in events, one of which is on 13 February 3.30-7.30 pm in the Kibworth Community Hub.
Joint Recreation Board
Branches overhanging the garden of a house on Longbreach Road have been cut back. After Storm Henk, runoff water from Warwick Park flooded the ditch and some gardens on Longbreach Road. More quotes are being obtained for MUGA backboards.
Polwell Park. The wooden fencing has been vandalised again. The Grounds team repaired it, but it needs completely replacing.
The three s106 applications for green space/landscape improvements for Larkswood, Rookery Park and Warwick Park have been completed.
Joint Burial Board
Quotes for building the new workshop/garage and a memorial garden are being obtained. These could be funded by s106 cemetery money.
Village Hall
The next film will be Barbie on 10 February at 7.30 pm.
Grammar School Hall/Community Hub
No update.
Police and Crime
Cllr Matthews said there had been a reduction in the usual crimes over the Christmas and New Year period but there had been an increase in family feuds! He was hopeful of more money being provided by the Home Office to further reduce anti-social behaviour. The police budget is due to be discussed and hopefully approved by the Police and Crime Panel on 1 February. He is planning to request a capped increase of £13 per band D property per year.
After discussion, councillors agreed to make no comments about the four plans published before the meeting.
Joint Recreation Board Expenditure
Councillors agreed to approve grass-cutting costs for parks during 2024/25 and award the contract to Spendlove as Biffa had decided to cease all grass-cutting contracts.
Finances & Administration
All financial statements, reconciliations, summaries, and payments were approved.
A precept of £90,212 for 2024/25 was approved. This is an increase of £22.57 per band D property per year which is equivalent to about 43p per week increase.
Councillor Reports
Clerk’s Report
A new bin is required for the Warwick Road car park.
Next Public Meetings
The next two public meetings are 1 February and then Tuesday 5 March in the Kibworth Community Hub and will be reported in due course.
Our 7 pm monthly meetings are open to the public, so why not come along to meet all our councillors and see what we do?
Please visit our website for more information about us at
If you would like to get involved or let us know of any community news about up-and-coming events, then please contact the Clerk.
Sara Barrett