Kibworth Charitable Trust

Kibworth Charitable Trust

The Kibworth Charitable Trust has been going for over ten years now, and we are still helping groups and projects in Kibworth and Smeeton Westerby through grant funding.

Over the year we’ve funded all sorts of things: camping equipment for our local scouts and guides, a defibrillator, equipment for our local first responder, instruments for the Kibworth Youth Band, lighting for the village hall, sports equipment for Kibworth Mead Academy, and more.

There is funding currently available, so if you have, or know about something you think would benefit from some funding – no matter how small or big (although maximum grant is currently £3000)- please get in touch and we can give you further information or send you an application form. 

You can get in touch with us by sending an email to, or call 07779 468915. We also have a new Facebook page –  Kibworth Charitable Trust.

Trina Ward, Trustee