Remember, Remember… Not this year!

For at least the last 40 years Kibworth has enjoyed a spectacular fireworks display. This involves a huge amount of effort and planning from the Kibworth & Fleckney Rotary Club and the Kibworth Scouts & Guides. Of course, it wouldn’t be possible without the support from the Briggs Family. They loan the field and build the bonfire.

Sadly this year cancellation was unavoidable. The continued wet weather and unsafe ground conditions put paid to what would otherwise have been another brilliant event.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all, as always, for your continued support at the event year on year! And importantly we express our gratitude to the Kibworth & Fleckney Rotary Club who work so hard to put this event on for the benefit of our community.

We intend that the event will continue so we will hopefully look forward to seeing you all at the next fireworks display.

1st Kibworth Scout Group