Kibworth Mead Academy – Oct 23

We have had a really positive half term at KMA.
Students have come back from the summer holidays with a really positive attitude. They have collectively achieved over 45,000 rewards points for demonstrating our values of work hard, be kind, be proud, which bodes really well for the school year.
Year 11
Year 11, in particular, have impressed us with their hard work and positive attitude, with record breaking numbers attending revision sessions. A familiar refrain in recent weeks has been “I’m sorry, is it ok if I miss football training because I’ve got chemistry revision”. It is a great sign of the positive culture amongst this year group that so many students are displaying a serious attitude towards study. They are recognising what a fantastic opportunity it is to have additional time with their subject teachers.
Year 7
Our Year 7 continues to impress us with how well they have settled into secondary school life. They have made the most of every opportunity, from sports fixtures to music, to library helpers and even Warhammer club. We are particularly proud of the team of volunteer litter pickers. They keep the site looking at its best by wielding their litter picking equipment every lunchtime.
Year 6
Last month we hosted our Year 6 Open Evening. We were overwhelmed with the numbers of visitors keen to see what KMA has to offer. Both talks sold out of tickets. We had over 100 KMA students keen to act as student ambassadors and helpers, to share their pride in their school. Since Open Evening we have run school tours most days since. The positive feedback that we are getting from the local community is really heartening.
Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award expeditions
In the unusual September heatwave, over 60 intrepid Year 9 DofE Bronze award students undertook their qualifying expeditions. This is often seen as the highlight of the DofE programme. It is the culmination of months of training and practice in navigation, camp craft, cooking, first aid and expedition logistics. Each team planned and walked between 24 and 30 km.
They navigated only with a map, compass and stopwatch. They carried everything they needed to camp overnight and prepare a substantial meal. The only thing they were allowed to replenish en route was water. This was not an easy task! The rucksacks were heavy and soon got uncomfortable, feet soon got sore and navigation over open countryside on overgrown and barely visible footpaths is more an art than a science! Students displayed incredible teamwork when they encountered unexpected challenges. These including blocked paths, wasp nests and broken shoes, along with the hottest weather of the year.
Finally, sports….
Our sports teams have taken part in a wide range of fixtures and have made us proud with a fine set of results, including two sets of wins on penalties which left all supporters on the edge of their seats. However our Year 7 footballers deserve a mention for their spirit and positivity at the start of their footballing journey at KMA and we know they are going to make us very proud over the next five years.
Dr Patricia Thompson
Vice Principal