Last Minute Theatre Get Your Tickets!

Last Minute Theatre

Hello all! It’s quite autumnal as I write this article – did we miss the summer?! Children and students are all back at school and many of us have now returned to the ‘normality’ of work (or retirement, but with fewer grandchildren to occupy, indulge and delight in).

At Last Minute Theatre, we are fast moving on to the next season: winter.

There are so many wonderful and exhilarating things which happen during that time. There’s the excitement of choosing and carving pumpkins for Halloween, amazing displays of fireworks in November and the frenzied but fabulous build up to Christmas.

This comes with priceless, always unique, Nativities and, of course, the fervour of anticipation for the visit of Father Christmas (and how often the ‘time-out’ step may have been used when the ‘naughty or nice’ count-up comes home to roost!).

So, as 2024 makes its appearance, there may be cause for feeling somewhat down – but NO – it’s PANTOMIME time again. This year, directed by Nicole, Last Minute Theatre presents the family pantomime, ‘Dick Whittington’ at Kibworth Grammar School Hall on:

Saturday 20 January matinee and evening, Sunday 21 matinee, Friday 26 evening, and Saturday 27 matinee and evening. Save the Dates!

Booking office details to follow.

Best wishes to you all.

Mary J Orton on behalf of Last Minute Theatre