A Heart-Safe environment for the local community

Defibrillator Installed at Kibworth Tennis Club

Heart-safe Kibworth Tennis Club. Kibworth tennis club logo

Kibworth Tennis Club has taken steps to ensure their defibrillator is accessible to the local community.

Thanks to the support of a local heart charity, The Joe Humphries Memorial Trust (JHMT) and The Co-Op Dividend Fund.

New Defibrillator

The defibrillator, funded by The Co-op Dividend Fund, is prominently located on the front of the Clubhouse wall. It is easily accessible to the community of Kibworth and available 24/7. The external cabinet which will keep the defibrillator safe has been donated by JHMT.

The new Defibrillator at Kibworth Tennis Club

Fifty participants, have taken part in CPR and AED (defibrillator) familiarisation sessions giving people the opportunity to learn key lifesaving skills. Participants included including players, coaches and community members.

Julie Conboy, member of Kibworth Tennis Club, said:

“As we have 165 members and 210 non-members who live in Kibworth and the surrounding villages, plus members of the public who use the recreation ground, we felt a defibrillator needed to be in the vicinity.

“A huge thank you on behalf of the community of Kibworth and the club to The Co-op Dividend Fund and JHMT for their kind generosity resulting in the siting of this key lifesaving equipment at the heart of our community.”

The JHMT is a local charity set up in memory of Leicester teenager Joe Humphries, who in October 2012 collapsed and died while out jogging. Joe was a victim of sudden arrhythmic death syndrome (SADS). A group of lethal heart diseases which can cause sudden cardiac death in young people.

As well as providing free lifesaving training, the JHMT works hard to raise awareness of sudden heart deaths (SADS) and helps to provide community defibrillators.

To find out more about the work of JHMT visit their website at www.jhmt.org.uk.