St Wilfrid’s Church

St. Wilfrid's Kibworth

Coronation Celebrations

Three days of events took place at St Wilfrid’s to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III. The Church decorated with floral displays. The Hall adorned with bunting, flags and balloons ready to screen the service at Westminster Abbey on Saturday 6 May. Watched by a small group who enjoyed the historic ceremony with refreshments.

On Sunday 7 May we held a special Coronation themed ‘9.30 Express’ with breakfast to follow as usual. Our 10.30am service was followed by ‘The Coronation Big ‘Lunch’. A fabulous ‘bring-and-share’ feast attended by about 60 people. The bell ringers rang a special peal to mark the occasion.

The Big Help Out

The ‘Big Help Out’ took place on Monday 8 May. More than 50 volunteers came along to help clear lots of old and worn out items from around the Hall. Removed bagfuls of weeds from the patio and path, and cleared areas of the Church for our proposed disabled access. Huge thanks to the Scouts, Cubs and Brownies, along with several willing parents, for their incredible hard work. Thanks also to the kind volunteers who came to help as a result of the local and national publicity. We couldn’t have achieved this without you all! The Church and grounds now look immaculate after about 12 car loads were taken to the tip, much of it able to be recycled.

If anyone would like to find out more about volunteering following ‘The Big Help Out,’ why not think about helping out with one our local groups for young people. Or for The Well? St Wilfrid’s also has lots of opportunities to get involved! Visit

‘Thy Kingdom Come’ 18-28 May

‘Thy Kingdom Come’ is a global prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray from Ascension to Pentecost for more people to come to know Jesus. Launched in 2016, ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ unites more than a million Christians in prayer, in nearly 90% of countries worldwide, across 85 different denominations and traditions. 

St Wilfrid’s will be holding prayer sessions in the Church Hall every evening from 18-28 May. Everyone is invited. To find out more go to