What’s Going On March 23

Twin Zip Wire

Mr Zipwire and Treehouse created this exciting twin-wired leisure facility in Warwick Park in less than 10 days in February. All just in time for the end of the Spring half term break. Even before it had received the appropriate safety certificate, people of all ages have  been seen testing it. Let’s hope it doesn’t get vandalised.

Kibworth Knoll

Planning Application 23/00161/FUL Erection of two storey rear extention and first floor side extension Kibworth Knoll. Does this mean more traffic on the inflection of Fleckney Road?

The Tip

Yippee! After over 15 plus months of closure the £5million refit of this facility has finally been re-opened. Time to put the banners out and drive to the RHWS

Bridge rebuild?

Wednesday 8 March. The inspection team on behalf of the Network Rail has arrived to look at the Grammar School footbridge.Vegetation has been removed during the previous night. Now men in orange suits inspect the bridge before it is …….? We wait with baited breath.