Wine note – January 2023

Mimo Moutinho Dao Encruzado 2021 (Aldi £7.49)

Do you like the dry mineral character of Chablis? The good news is that 2021 was a great vintage. The bad news is that April frosts lead to a reduced crop and a consequent increase in prices; a single bottle of Majestic’s Definition Chablis is now £18.99. Wines from top producers start at £20.

Where do you go if you want your favourite combination of flavour and steely acidity but don’t want to part with so much money?

Burgundy was affected by the same frost so it’s not going to offer any Chardonnay bargains.

The answer is to look for a less fashionable grape, which can produce wines in the same style as Chablis.

Encruzado might be the answer. It’s grown in the Dão region of Portugal and almost nowhere else so it’s relatively unknown. Try this example from Aldi; it’s dry, full of flavour and has a well balanced acidity. And, it’s only £7.49. Enjoy it with chicken or fish.

Who’s Mimo Moutinho? Benfica’s latest signing, perhaps? As far as I can tell there’s no such person; it’s just another Aldi trademark.

Happy New Year.

John Freeland (u3a Wine Tasting Group)