Tur Langton Parish Council

The Tur Langton Parish Council Meeting took place on Tuesday 8 November in the village hall, Tur Langton.

Parish councillors present were Cllrs Tessa Bladon, Clare Staveley, Paul Officer and Debbie Molyneux. Apologies for absence were received from Jan Haynes.

For the full report of the meeting please see the minutes which will be published on the Tur Langton Parish Council website in due course.

Some of the items discussed were:

Budget and precept for year 23/24

The budget was discussed and will be agreed at the meeting in January. One significant change will be that as the village hall is producing revenue and is financially secure the management committee will now pay the annual rent rather than the Parish Council who have to budget for it and pay it from the annual precept.

The village assets maintained by the Parish Council were discussed. It was agreed that the village phone box which houses the defibrillator will need painting next year.

Community Response Plan

A review of the Community Response Plan was discussed. The plan has been updated, including updates for contact details of volunteers. If any qualified first aiders in Tur Langton would be willing to volunteer to be included in the Community Response Plan please contact the clerk on  clerk@turlangtonparishcouncil.org.uk or 07763 177707 (your details would not be made public).  The contents of the grab bag have been reviewed and some items have been replaced.

Autumn Newsletter

Our autumn newsletter is being prepared in which the residents of Tur Langton will be asked for comments on the siting of a new pole on Main Street to attach a Mobile Vehicle Activated Sign to. This is part of our village improvement plan to reduce the speed of vehicles travelling through the village. A map with potential locations will be included for information. Villagers are also to be asked if they would like any trees on their property to be included as part of a proposal to have preservation orders applied to our more important trees in the village.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 10 January 2023 at 7:30pm in Tur Langton Village Hall.

Alison Gibson

Clerk to Tur Langton Parish Council