The Fitness Box

Why wait until the new year to get fit and healthy?
As we head into the winter months we know that lots of people will often put off their fitness regime with the thought of starting again in the new year. Unfortunately studies show that most New Year’s resolutions are over before the end of January.

With that in mind why not start your fitness regime NOW? There is no better time to start than right now. To help with that The Fitness Box is offering everyone from our local community the chance to buy a block of 10 functional fitness classes for just £90. This offer is available to new and existing clients and is only available throughout November. Once you have purchased your block of classes you can use the sessions as and when you please. There is no sign up fee or monthly payment, just use your sessions when they suit you.
All ages and abilities are welcome
At The Fitness Box we cater for all ages and fitness abilities. So if you are complete beginner or a seasoned gym goer we have the programme to suit you. We have a wonderful community feel at the gym. Our small group functional fitness classes are welcoming and fun while also being challenging. They’re a great way to achieve your fitness goals. When working in group sessions we find that we push ourselves to be our best. We have seen some amazing results from those in our community that have added a consistent fitness routine to their lifestyle.
Our classes are coach led and all the planning is done for you and we run classes from 6:30am through to 7:15pm most days to fit people’s busy schedules.
For more information on this great offer and to join our amazing fitness community please visit our website at and use code STARTNOW at checkout to receive the special offer.
Adam Fowler – The Fitness Box