South Leicestershire Medical Group November 2022
Patient Participation Group

The aim of the Patient Participation Group (PPG) for SLMG is to help represent views of patients and to develop communication between patients and the practice.
We are very lucky to have an active PPG. One of our recent initiatives has been to establish a dedicated PPG Facebook page. We will use this page to keep patients updated on current events and more importantly changes that happen at the practice. These are often at short notice, e.g. temporary closure of a surgery on a particular day or dispensary closure due to staff shortage.
To maximise the effectiveness of this page, we would urge anyone who is a current patient of SLMG and who uses Facebook to ‘follow’ the PPG page.
As soon as any news is posted on the SLMG website, the PPG Facebook page administrator ensures that the same message is uploaded to the page, and as a follower you will be notified immediately.
The service is a one-way information sharing tool, which it is hoped will enable the PPG, in conjunction with the practice, to inform patients in a timely and regular manner of news that is for the benefit for all.
We would like to get to at least 2,500 followers by December 2022, which may sound a lot, however this is only just over 10% of our current patient population. Can you help us with this target? Please encourage your family and friends to follow too, as the more people that do, the more patients we are reaching directly with our messages.
Please do follow us on
The PPG also have a dedicated email address and if you have a suggestion or issue that you would like the group to consider, please contact but please note that the PPG is not set up to consider individual medical or personal matters. If you need to contact the practice direct then please either visit the website at, call 0116 2793308 or for compliments and complaints please email
Sue Bennett
Communication Sub-Group PPG