Kibworth Village Hall

Kibworth Village Hall Improvements, phot of Village Hall

Hall Improvements

For those of you regularly using the Village Hall, you may have noticed a number of improvements.

  • installation of Wi-Fi
  • refurbished toilets
  • state-of-the-art disco equipment
  • new lighting in the back room
Back Room, Village Hall

The Committee have been fortunate enough to secure grant money for further improvements. You will notice more changes soon, with new windows being installed in the next few weeks. The front of the building is being revamped. There will be new exterior lighting, repainting & installation of light boxes. Additionally, some of the more tired parts of the façade are being refreshed or replaced.

Front of Village Hall

The Committee are keen to retain the integrity of the building. We hope you will be pleased with the refurbishments when they are completed.

The Hall continues to be very well- used, with both existing groups and new ones starting.

If you are interested in hiring the hall, then please contact our Premises Officer:

Village Late Night Shopping – 7th December

We are actively supporting the Village Late Night Shopping event on 7th December, which will be a Christmas Market along with music from local bands and choirs. We are pleased to confirm that a number of previous stallholders have confirmed their attendance.

If you are interested in having a stall then please contact our Premises Officer.

Upcoming in 2023

In terms of events for 2023, unfortunately we will not be hosting Burns Night this year, although we are planning to do so in 2024.

Finally, a number of you have asked about the Film Nights. As you may know, our fabulous helpers, Eliza, Lissy, and Maddy have gone on to University or pastures new. We will be restarting these in the new year. More details will follow in the next issue of the Kibworth & District Chronicle.

Paul Rose