Illston on the Hill WI – Nov ’22

At our last meeting we were entertained by one of our very own members, Rhena Sturgess. Rhena has always had a great interest in antiques (perhaps that is why we get on so well!). She has lots of genuine clothes and strange items in her mammoth collection. We were just listening to her introduction when Kathy stood at the door dressed in a First World War Nurses uniform. This originally belonged to Mary Pane who is a distant relative by marriage.

We started with undergarments and Rhena had brought some of the most beautiful cotton lace knickers. Apparently undergarments – for both men and women were not introduced until the 1700s and then only worn by the very rich. We did learn a great deal about the clothes and this created great hilarity!  We owe nice underwear to Queen Victoria – thank goodness.

Three separate quizzes had been organised by Rhena. (1) Guess what it is; (2) guess who would use it and (3) in which year was is used. There were a few normal things, but some very obscure items. ome of the suggestions for use don’t bear thinking about. Some looked like dental equipment, burglars “key” and lots more.

This was a really great evening with lots of fun had by all, ending in the usual way with delicious refreshments.

Don’t forget our Christmas Fayre/Coffee Morning on Saturday 26th November in Illston Village Hall, 10 00 – 13 30. Lots of stalls and all proceeds to Rainbows. Please come and give generously whilst selecting Christmas gifts for those close to you.

Jane Shute