Methodist Matters

School Road Chapel News

Introducing the East Mercia Circuit

At the beginning of this month Kibworth Methodist Church joined together with 18 other Methodist Churches and Places of Worship to form the East Mercia Methodist Circuit.

Our Circuit of Churches now stretches from Kettering, Corby and Desborough to Lutterworth, Daventry and Rugby via Market Harborough.

Services are currently led by:

  • 5 Full-Time Ministers
  • 10 Retired and Other Ministers
  • 28 Local Preachers
  • 5 New Local Preachers (in training)
  • 9 Visiting Preachers (this quarter)
  • 30 Worship Leaders

This larger Circuit enables us to experience a far greater variety of services. For example this month alone we welcome two new preachers to our pulpit here in Kibworth. If you appreciate meeting with God in different ways each Sunday, why not join us one week at 10.30am. You will be most welcome.


On 21 August our minister, Rev Andy Murphy, confirmed two members who have been worshipping with us for some time, into our church family here in Kibworth. We offer a formal welcome to both Jill and Mel.

Harvest Festival

On 25 September, we give thanks to God during our annual Harvest Festival at 10.30am. Come and join us on that occasion.

Kibworth Methodist Pre-School

We welcome back after the summer break the children, families and leaders of the Pre-School who meet from Monday to Friday on our church premises.

This month’s thought

If people fall asleep in church, is it the preacher who needs to wake up?

This month’s question :

What kind of lighting did Noah’s Ark have?

A. Floodlights

Enquiries: Roger Piper 07941 643809
