Illston-on-the-Hill WI

What an amazing summer we have had. No doubt too hot for many! This hot weather has certainly done nothing to enhance the beauty of our gardens. However, it looks like it is now breaking and we can relish in being refreshed by the rain we so often complain about.

The July meeting of Illston on the Hill WI was at the home of member Chris. She opened her garden to us and we all took something to eat and enjoyed the most wonderful garden party. Can you believe it, we only suggested ladies brought something ‘sweet or savoury’ and with some 20 members present, everyone produced something different!

We had a really delightful spread. Chris and husband Tony have spent the last couple of years developing their garden from a wilderness. My, how hard they have worked. It is quite beautiful with a surprise around every corner. If you would like to see this garden, Chris will be opening it for the Illston Open Gardens on 10 June next year.

Our August outing was to Barnsdale Gardens. It was lovely to get together with all our members again, but boy, how hot!! We all spent time searching for shade and the gardens themselves were really parched and perhaps a little disappointing. We did enjoy a cream tea, but in view of the intense heat, we called it day and came back home, some of us to a lovely ice cold glass of white!! Maybe the committee will have to rethink our outing for next year to somewhere inside – possibly a swimming pool!

Jane Shute
