Kibworth Community Library

‘Mma Ramotswe sighed. “We are all tempted, Mma. We are all tempted when it comes to cake.”  “That is true,” said Mma Potokwane sadly. “There are many temptations in this life, but cake is probably one of the biggest of them.” ‘ Alexander McCall Smith – In the Company of Cheerful Ladies.

The following few weeks will probably be full of temptation, particularly cake. With the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations happening all over the country, there will be chocolate cake and Victoria sponges galore!

Here at the library, there are plenty of treats on offer. The celebrations begin with our regular Coffee, Cake and Conversation on Wednesday 1 June from 2 – 5pm. Delicious homemade cakes and wonderful company are free or for a donation. 

Fiona Cairns, creator of the exquisite cake for William and Kate’s wedding, has been extremely generous and donated some of her Platinum Jubilee cupcakes to us. They will be available for sale with refreshments on Saturday 4 June between 10am and 12pm. Some will also be a raffle prize. We are having a Plant Sale on the day as well, perfect timing for sprucing up the garden.

As it is the Jubilee, there will also be a VERY special guest courtesy of Kibworth and Smeeton WI, and the library garden will be resplendent in red, white and blue decorations in honour of Her Majesty. Don’t miss it!

Opening hours:

Monday 2 – 6pm

Tuesday 10am – 1pm

Wednesday 2 – 5pm

Thursday 9 – 11am

Friday 9am – 1pm and 2 – 5pm

Saturday 10am – 1pm

Julie Harrison