Kibworth Books’ Book Fundraiser
An update and a Thank You to all our customers!
In November 2021 Kibworth Books launched a fundraising campaign to send new books to children on the wards at the Leicester Royal Infirmary. Kirsty, Children’s Book Specialist, launched the campaign following some time in hospital with her children. The bookshop set out with the goal of raising enough money to buy a book for each child in the 130 beds on the wards on Christmas Day.

The generosity of donations received was staggering, and the bookshop is delighted to provide an update on progress. Aside from far exceeding the initial target, there were still enough funds remaining to send a further 50 books for children to enjoy over the recent Easter weekend. That’s a total of 180 books provided to date!
Sally Shepherd, Play Co-ordinator for the UHL Play Service, said, “The patients were overwhelmed with their Easter goodies. Thank you so much for the wonderful books. The children loved them, and the parents of the little babies who couldn’t have eggs were so happy with the baby books and crinkly newspapers!”
To date, thanks to donations from customers, a fabulous donation of £340 from Leicester Grammar School (raised by students as part of their World Book Day activities) and a further top up of 20% from Kibworth Books, the fundraising total now stands at £2811.60.
This leaves the UHL Play Service with funds to use for further books, even after those Christmas and Easter gifts. The bookshop will be making future deliveries of books when the team requires them.
Each and every donation has been so appreciated. All the team at the bookshop is so grateful for the generous support given to the campaign. Once again, THANK YOU!
The bookshop has committed to running the fundraiser for 12 months from launch. If you’d like to make a donation, it’s not too late. Visit for further details, or pop by the shop to talk to the team.
Kirsty Woods