Kibworth Community Library – Seed Swap

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 To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow” – Audrey Hepburn

Does anything bring a smile to your face like the first snowdrops of the year appearing? There are definite signs of spring all around. Daffodils are pushing out of the ground in huge numbers across the country. The Cornish ones are already in the supermarkets and in full bloom in houses, bringing a little bit of sunshine into our lives.

We are having our first Seed Swap this year. You must have lots of half packets of seeds that you probably won’t use – but someone else might love them!

The Seed Swap will be on Saturday 26 February. If possible, please drop your seeds off at the library in the week before the swap or you can bring them in on the day. You will get a voucher for each lot of seeds you give. You can then use a voucher for seeds you want at the seed swap.

You can bring in your unused or partially used packets of seeds – less than 3 years old please.

If you have seeds you have harvested yourself, please put them in an envelope with:

1. Your name ,if you want them back if they aren’t swapped.
2. A description of what they are and, if you know, whether they are an annual or perennial.

We will organise the seeds into categories as far as we are able e.g. annual flowers, perennial flowers, grasses, vegetables etc.

On the Seed Swap day you can use the vouchers on a onefor one basis or make a donation for each packet of seeds that you want. So please come along and spread the gardening love!

Finally, we have a Book Sale on Saturday 12 March. There’ll be plenty on offer for you.