Kibworth and Fleckney Inner Wheel

Inner Wheel

At their October meeting members enjoyed a fascinating talk about the work of GEMS Charity. This is run by local couple Sally and Andy Anderson. Their aim is to make life more comfortable for people attending the chemotherapy suite at Leicester Royal Infirmary. In the past decade they have given an amazing £275,000 to the department.

Their present target is £500,000 for a shared project with Leicestershire Hospitals Charity Fundraising Appeal 2021/22 to extend the chemotherapy unit at LRI. Sally was deservedly nominated for the Pride of Britain Awards, and was the winner for the East Midlands.

Meeting Sally and Andy Anderson
Meeting Sally and Andy Anderson

The November meeting was a meal at The Langton Arms, attended by District Chairman Shirley Cross. In December we are looking forward to a demonstration of Pumpkin Carving.

We enjoy a variety of speakers and the opportunity to attend events in District 7, (across the East Midlands), as well as overseas. Our aims are to promote true friendship, to encourage the ideals of personal service, and to foster international understanding. If you would like to learn more please contact President Gillian on 0116 367 3124.

Brenda Kirby