Crochet Christmas Tree Helps Local Families

A team of crafty volunteers have been involved in a unique charity appeal. They are creating the ‘Harborough Crochet Christmas Tree’ from hundreds of crocheted ‘granny squares’ made by local people.
The team have been inspired by similar examples abroad. They have now accumulated more than enough squares. They have constructed a frame which will support the attached blankets of squares. It will be a magnificent sight at a towering six metres high.

We have been involving people in the local and wider community to crochet squares in order to create a Christmas tree. This will be displayed next to St. Dionysius Church, Market Harborough, during December 2021. By bringing a smile to people’s faces, we are hoping to raise money for our chosen charity, Home-Start South Leicestershire. They help families both with practical needs such as warm clothing in winter, and emotional support such as home-visiting support, groups and courses. Please donate what you can! We’ll be at the Christmas Fayre on Friday 3 December so please do come and chat to us then if you’d like to find out more.
Fiona Thompson, one the organisers

Home-Start South Leicestershire focuses its help on families with children aged under 5 years. But in some projects it helps families with children of primary school age as well. Families often face difficulties both as new parents, and parents with complex situations in their lives. These range from financial crises, isolation and loneliness, managing mental or physical ill health. Also living with disabilities and living with long-term conditions.
Warm, non-judgemental, emotional and practical help is central to the services given.
This is a wonderful way to draw attention to the work of Home-Start South Leicestershire. We have been helping struggling families with young children across Harborough District for over 37 years. It has possibly never been harder than at the moment, both because of increased requests for help and increasing competition for limited funding pots to keep the charity services running. We hope that local people will support this appeal when they see the fantastic tree. You can donate to the appeal fundraising page on:
or through our website
Stella Renwick, Charity Development Manager
At the end of the appeal when the tree is deconstructed, the crocheted squares will be repurposed into blankets. Home-Start South Leicestershire will pass them on to families who need them across the area.
For more information, to find out about other ways you can help, or if you wish to volunteer to help families directly, visit the charity website or contact through Facebook – @Homestartsl.