Sustainable Harborough Community

Sustainable Harborough Community

We, in Kibworth and other villages, can help save us from the climate crisis.

The good news about the climate crisis we are facing is that we can keep global warming to below 1.5˚C if our Government and we play our part. Yes, the other governments need to play their part too!  But does their inaction justify ours?

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) special report has set out the science that shows where we are headed, to a 3˚C rise or higher. See a helpful summary here

(Remember that if you don’t have access to the Internet, our local library will find this for you.)

Professor Heiko Baltzer, Research Professor and Director of the Centre for Landscape and Climate Research at the University of Leicester, said at Question Time in the Great Big Green week recently, that 3 degrees could mean little rain in summer and torrential downpours in winter, a very difficult situation to be living with.

There is an alternative – for governments to take rapid action. But also, for all of us to make big changes to our lifestyles as well. All rather more quickly than we had hoped necessary. Through the rapid reaction to the pandemic, we know it is possible.

How can we find out what part we can play though and is it realistic?

That is for each of us to decide but there is a lot of information to guide us and there is action to be taken in every area of our lives that will bring us benefits and reduce our carbon footprints. For example, if we promise ourselves we won’t use our cars for walk able distances, if at all possible, we benefit from the exercise we gain as well as meeting people along the way.

If we eat less meat, especially beef, we not only help reduce deforestation of rainforests but we will be able to afford better quality meat that some local shops provide.  If we eat more plant-based meals, we may even see an improvement in our health.  Shopping locally will also benefit our local economy.

Repairing instead of buying a replacement. If repair is possible it can be a satisfying activity, hopefully learning new skills as well.  Living with what we have instead of replacing to keep up with the fashions of our day, will save more of the planet’s resources and help reduce our carbon footprint. 

Become a member of Sustainable Harborough Community and be more informed. 

Kibworth u3a also have a climate action group. You will be very welcome.

These are just a few of the actions we can take to make a difference for the benefit of us all. 

COP 26 takes place next month. If you would like to know more, see their website

Julie Fagan, volunteer Sustainable Harborough Community