Kibworth & Fleckney Inner Wheel

Kibworth & Fleckney Inner Wheel
Like so many organisations, the Inner Wheel Club of Kibworth & Fleckney was restricted to Zoom meetings for over a year. Nevertheless we enjoyed talks about Jane Austen, artist Beryl Cook, Fraud and Scam Prevention, and a fascinating tour of Cambridge by a Green Badge Guide.
So great excitement when we were able to meet up again in July! Thirteen of our twenty-three members enjoyed a picnic in the garden of incoming President Gillian Lonergan. Her chosen charity is “The Well” in Kibworth.

August saw another garden visit, this time a coffee morning kindly hosted by Karan Tyler, and a very successful raffle. September will see us back at Kibworth Golf Club on the second Monday evening of each month, appreciating each other’s company and someone else washing up!
We enjoy a variety of speakers and the opportunity to attend events in District 7, (across the East Midlands), as well as overseas. Our aims are to promote true friendship, to encourage the ideals of personal service, and to foster international understanding. If you would like to learn more please contact;
President Gillian on 0116 3673124.
Brenda Kirby