Why is the Winter Solstice so special?

Most of us adore the longest day in Summer, whilst very few of us the shortest day in winter!

So, what is special about this time of year?

Is it the hope to chase the dark away?

Is it the promise of endless brand-new days?

Is it the calm serenity of a winter’s still day?

Is it the powerful transition between seasons?

Revered and celebrated in ancient civilizations.

Is it the powerful energy for us to recharge, renew and reflect?

A time of quiet energy to help you look within and focus on your needs.

Whist there are the longest hours of darkness there is also a rebirth of the sun.

So, light a candle and show love to the people close to you.

May the light of the Winter Solstice shine on you.

Sending peace, love & light

Kerry Byrne