Duggie’s Ramblings – January 2021

Welcome to the year Vaccine–2021.
Now leaving behind Covid -19 what about 2020 – Pre-Vaccine?
Social and distancing, two words previously separate, have come together; hitherto used in Kibworth for drivers of vehicles.
Not complaining!
I recently overheard a conversation between two young mothers in Kibworth. Both had buggies, one was saying ‘I’m not complaining,’ as her parents could no longer (in the light of the new regulations) take in their grandchild – so she could work.
Somehow it reminded me of the words ‘love casts out fear.’ What we will do for those we love? Perhaps the grandparents were taking sensible precautions?
Potentially corrosive culture.
The present pandemic has exposed cracks in the wall of our potentially corrosive culture. With thanks to Marcus Rashford for being, and continuing to be an ambassador for the injustices faced by vulnerable kids in state schools. Marcus Rashford is a high profile footballer for Manchester United and England. He grew up in a single parent home in Manchester. He presents as the face of the indispensable people who may have been taken for granted for too long whilst also facing racism. Without the contribution made by multi-racial citizens putting their lives on the line working in the NHS, the consequences would be catastrophic to health care! for the cities an absence of parks to exercise for individuals and families and the centralisation of government trumpeted as strong leadership.
An earlier pandemic.
The Black Death of 1349 is an interesting comparison. It was, according to epidemiologists a virus not something carried by fleas on rats, it spread too fast for the latter to be the cause of the pandemic. It lasted from summer to winter of that year-but it didn’t! It returned not once but at least five more times. The people attributed this to God’s Judgment on a people ‘riddled with greed, scorn and malice’ (John of Reading: a monk at Westminster Abbey writing in 1350.)
Who is to blame?
So, now in the 21st century we do have a vaccine – but the blame? Very relevant is the opinion of a number of ecologists; they are of the strong view that the damage humans have done to the biodiversity of the environment has caused the virus to jump species.
We live in an age of chronological arrogance, an age in which myth and magic prevail over the truth (between 29-30% of UK people eligible to vote voted for the present government; of those who did vote 44% voted for this Government in other words 56% voted against. Is this not the myth of our democracy?
A book I am reading at present – to be recommended is titled ‘Darkness to Light.’ Set in pre-Norman times full of cronyism, corruption, weak leadership and slavery it is -not a wholly dystopian society. But, there is light to lift the darkness alongside a darkness, which fails to understand the light.